Experiencing the 'Joy of Painting' with Bob Ross


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Today, we're painting along with Bob Ross and his show called, "The Joy of Painting." This episode, titled "Fisherman's Trail" (Season 28, Episode 1), is both easy AND fun, which makes for one relaxing experience. Have y'all ever heard of Mr. Ross? He's quite the entertainer and can make even the most novice of painters feel like a well-trained artist! In fact, this project is my second "Bob Ross" painting post, with the first being a girls' night paint party at our home, and we had so much fun! (You can read all about that party by clicking this direct link.)

In this post, we're using some fun products from DecoArt (see list below) to paint our masterpiece. As I've previously shared, I'm a part of the DecoArt Core Blogger Team, where I create different projects throughout the year. It's an honor and so much fun to participate with this amazing group of bloggers!


Here's a list of the awesome supplies that I used for this project: (Sidenote: Although I was compensated by DecoArt for this post, all opinions are my own!)

Other items used for this project (but not necessary):

  • artists' paper or cardstock...or other material, such as canvas fabric or scrap wood

  • disposable cup of water for paint brushes

  • paper towels for cleanup

  • paper plate to hold all paint

  • artists' easel (I use this one and love it!)

  • favorite drink and music playing in the background ❤️


Check out all these vibrant colors!


These brushes are great for painting the tree stems, stones for the pathway, and other details.

Let's get started! First, you'll want to prep your workspace. I poured a dab of each color onto my paper plate, set out my water cup and made my paper towels readily available for any spills. When deciding what material to use for my project, I originally chose to go with some scrap, canvas fabric. This idea would've been fun to play around with...you could use your cool easel, too.


But ultimately, I decided to go with some artists' paper...


Next, listen to Bob Ross and follow his instructions. Your painting won't be exactly like his, but that's okay! He always says, "Mistakes are just happy accidents." Don't be hard on yourself or feel like you have to use the exact colors he used. Play with your piece. Practice if you need to. (I sure did!) Pause your video when necessary, so that you're not rushed. And most importantly, have fun!


I used this texture medium to highlight some of my trees and/or pathway, and I LOVED the added depth it provided!!!


As I mentioned earlier, your piece won't match up exactly with Bob Ross' painting, as you'll see with mine in the pic below. But that's what's so relaxing about it!  Yours doesn't have to be perfect!


Once you're finished, step back and admire your masterpiece!

On another note, I wanted to point out that if you're in the market for a really good paint-brush cleaner, this one's EXCELLENT! The reason it's fresh on my mind is because I accidentally left a couple of my uncleaned paint brushes out on the counter overnight. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Ugh! Well, this DecoMagic stuff works wonders! I thought my very nice brushes were ruined, but my new brush cleaner saved the day! Woohoo! Just wanted to point that important piece of info out to all of y'all, because when I discover something that's worth buying, I just have to let y'all know about it!

Thanks so much again for stopping by today. I hope you were inspired to try painting a Bob Ross piece yourself! Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions! Have a wonderful day!


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